Our faculty incorporate Charlotte Mason inspired pedagogy. Our educational philosophy asserts that children are naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a supportive, loving, thoughtfully-prepared environment. Our approach values the human spirit and the development of the whole child- spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive. We put an emphasis on nature, art, music, and language learning.
Students at PCS will learn in a prepared environment that encourages each child to work independently and foster internal curiosity as motivation to learn.
PCS Learning Method
The teacher is the guide in the classroom.
The prepared environment and method encourage self-discipline.
The structured group and individual instruction are based on thematic lessons.
The teacher will encourage collaboration, cooperation, and support among students towards each other.
The student chooses his/her own work, sets his/her own learning pace, discovers new concepts, and spots his/her own errors from self-teaching materials based on the lesson being taught.
The classroom setting is prepared with multi-sensory materials for physical exploration.
The student can work where he/she chooses, move around and talk at will (yet not disturb the work of others).
The student reinforces his/her own learning by repetition of work and thereby fosters an internal feeling of success and accomplishment.
PCS Curriculum
Our core educational program includes all academic subjects plus a weekly time of chapel developed around the nine Fruit of the Spirit led by Eternity’s senior pastor, Brett Deal. As Eternity is an international congregation, we seek to incorporate other cultures and languages in our curriculum through a variety of means. We offer weekly instruction in Capoeira, a form of martial art developed in Brazil, we teach basic Portuguese throughout the year, and we have monthly mission focus countries to help broaden our student’s geographic and cultural knowledge as well as foster a love and prayer life for Image Bearers who look and live differently than we do.